Evidence-based Security Arquitecture for Vehicular Environments

Duration: January 2010 - December 2013



The project addresses the modeling, design and implementation of a multi-layer security architecture applied to ad hoc vehicular networks (VANETs). The main objective of our proposal is to offer public authorities the possibility to apply information technologies to ensure and satisfy critical goals in areas such as road safety, auto-regulated traffic control and identification and prosecution of road offenders.

E-SAVE’s architecture is divided in three different blocks called Operational Bases:

To assist us in the development of the technical aspects of this project we have identified the following main areas of research: ad hoc P2P networks, cryptography and computer forensics. Our approach is novel in the sense that, for the first time, a vehicular architecture will globally embrace specific areas of functionality (Bases I, II and III), while ensuring that all security aspects are taken care of from the system design, thus ensuring information and communication security throughout the model.


de Fuentes, José María; González-Manzano, Lorena; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Blasco, Jorge. Security models in vehicular ad-hoc networks: A survey. IETE Technical Review. Taylor & Francis.

de Fuentes, José María; Blasco, Jorge; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; González-Manzano, Lorena. Applying information hiding in vanets to covertly report misbehaving vehicles. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.

de Fuentes, José María; González-Manzano, Lorena; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Ramos, Benjamín. El proyecto E-SAVE: asegurando las comunicaciones vehiculares para la mejora de la seguridad vial. Proc. VII Congreso Iberoamericano en Seguridad Informática (CIBSI).

de Fuentes, José María; González-Manzano, Lorena; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Blasco, Jorge. WEVAN-A mechanism for evidence creation and verification in VANETs. Journal of Systems Architecture. North-Holland.

de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; González-Manzano, Lorena; Ribagorda, Arturo. Diseño de un protocolo para el envío de notificaciones de denuncias por hechos de circulación al vehículo a través de tecnologías ITS. Conference: XII Congreso Español de IT. ITS España.

González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; de Fuentes, José María; Alcaide, Almudena; Ribagorda, Arturo. PROYECTOS E-SAVE Y PRECIOUS SOBRE LA APLICACIóN DE TECNOLOGíAS ITS PARA LA SUPERVISIóN DEL CUMPLIMIENTO DE NORMAS. Congreso Español de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS).

Palomar, Esther; de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Alcaide, Almudena. Hindering false event dissemination in VANETs with proof-of-work mechanisms. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Elsevier.

de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Ribagorda, Arturo. Overview of security issues in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts. IGI Global.

Munera, José; de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel. Towards a comparable evaluation for VANET protocols: NS-2 experiments builder assistant and extensible test bed. Proc. Embedded Security in Cars Workshop (ESCAR). IS-ITS AG.

de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Ribagorda, Arturo. Overview of security issues in vehicular ad-hoc networks. Handbook of Reseach on Mobility and Computing, IGI Global. IGI Global.

de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Ribagorda, Arturo. Authentication and privacy in vehicular networks. CEPIS, Council of European Professional Informatics Societies. Novática.

de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Ribagorda, Arturo. Modelo de procedimiento sancionador electronico aplicado al control del tráfico vehicular. RECSI 2010. XI Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, España.

de Fuentes, José María; González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Ribagorda, Arturo. Witness-based evidence generation in vehicular ad-hoc networks. Embedded Security in Cars Conference (ESCAR).

This project has received funding from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under the grant TIN2009-13461.
Published on Thursday, Jan 20, 2022 Last Modified on Thursday, Feb 3, 2022