Eduardo Blázquez

Contact Details

Office: 2.2.B08
Email address: eduardo.blazquez+totally-not-span@uc3mes
Phone number: +34 91 624 5952
Fax number: +34 91 624 9129

External links

Short bio

I’m a PhD student in Computer Security Lab (COSEC) at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. my research is mainly focused on the Android ecosystem security and privacy. I hold a in Computer Engineering from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares and a M.Sc in Cybersecurity from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Before joining COSEC lab I worked for companies like Panda Security in Madrid, and ReversingLabs in Zagreb (Croatia).


I’m interested in various fields from information security related to low level analysis:


Nappa, Antonio; Blázquez, Eduardo. Fuzzing Against the Machine: Automate vulnerability research with emulated IoT devices on QEMU. Packt Publishing.

Blázquez, Eduardo; Pastrana, Sergio; Feal, Álvaro; Gamba, Julien; Kotzias, Platon; Vallina-Rodriguez, Narseo; Tapiador, Juan. Trouble Over-the-Air: An Analysis of FOTA Apps in the Android Ecosystem. IEEE Computer Society.

Published on Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021 Last Modified on Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021