Privacy-preserving Processing of VANET Evidences
The expansion of the information society allows the creation of innovative electronic services in new contexts such as the one posed by vehicular networks (VANET). The introduction of these electronic services allows users to obtain numerous benefits, simplify the performance of services and optimize the use of resources.
From the point of view of security, the needs of the agents involved seem opposed. On the one hand, users require secure, reliable services that preserve their privacy transparently and with high usability. On the other hand, service providers prioritize protection of their systems and demand responsible and controlled use by users. The necessary balance between security and privacy constitutes a challenge that must be answered from all areas (social, legal, academic, political, economic, industrial…) and for all contexts, including that relating to the circulation of vehicles. The intrinsic characteristics of VANETs add a more difficulty to this conflict, since they suppose a high transience of the participants, the demand for rapid, as well as secure and private, distribution of information, and the need for automation of the inherent processes.
This project aims to use the most innovative cryptographic techniques existing in the area identity management, anonymity, responsible privacy and non-traceability of events or entities, to contribute to responding to the challenges posed in the provision of electronic services in the context of the circulation of vehicles and, therefore, in the vehicular networks. For this, it will be carried out an analysis of possible digital identity management solutions, the formal modeling of entities and processes related to the circulation of vehicles and the design of a system that allows put into practice the solution on VANETs, particularizing it to two specific scenarios: the automatic and private verification of administrative authorizations to circulate and the payment of tolls on fast roads. Finally, a system demonstrator will be implemented for each considered scenario.
González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Alcaide, Almudena; de Fuentes, José María; Montero-Castillo, José. Privacy-preserving and accountable on-the-road prosecution of invalid vehicular mandatory authorizations. Ad hoc networks. Elsevier.
González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; de Fuentes, José María; Alcaide, Almudena; Ribagorda, Arturo. PROYECTOS E-SAVE Y PRECIOUS SOBRE LA APLICACIóN DE TECNOLOGíAS ITS PARA LA SUPERVISIóN DEL CUMPLIMIENTO DE NORMAS. Congreso Español de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS).
González-Tablas, Ana Isabel; Alcaide, Almudena; Suárez-Tangil, Guillermo; de Fuentes, José María; Barroso-Pérez, Israel. POSTER Towards a Privacy-Respectful Telematic Verification System for Vehicle and Driver Authorizations. International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services.